







About/Contact > FMD Electronics

A collection of exclusive music/audio related gears built by Tommy GB Jansson over the years.

FMD Electronics - MIDI Processor Unit M1610

Double MIDI system splitter and merge unit. 1HE
2 Master MIDI In and Out.
16 MIDI outputs individually selectable to MIDI system 1 or 2.
Breakout box with 8 MIDI In and 8 MIDI Out connected to the main unit with a 5m multicable.
Additional 8 MIDI outputs on the rear panel and 1 MIDI In/Out on the front.
LED indicators on the front for activity on MIDI In/Out on System 1 and 2.
Merge section with selectable manual override of MIDI input 1 to 8.

Custom build Prototype unit. Only one exists.

Build 1997

FMD Electronics - VOC10 Analogue Vocoder Module

10 band Analogue Vocoder Unit. 3HE
My biggest project with 14 PCBs.
10 bandpass filters and 1 highpass.
Mic In, Carrier In, Ouput on the front

Classic vocoder sound with a "bite".

This unit has been used a lot on several tracks and therefore the front panel
was never finished with printed text and stuff...

Custom build Prototype unit. Only one exists.

Build 1995

FMD Electronics - Sound Machine II

Analogue Sound Generator
2 VCO/LFO with filters
1 noise generator with filter
Fun to play around with

Custom build Prototype unit. Only one exists.

Build 1986

FMD Electronics - VCF2 Analogue Modulator

Double channel VCF and VCO controller with joysticks.
Backpanel: Stereo in, Stereo out jacks and power supply input 9VDC.
Single/Double option on the input. "Double" puts the joysticks in serial mode.
Stereo/Mono option on the output with by-pass function.

Custom build Prototype unit. Only one exists.

Build 1985

FMD Electronics - MTX-16 Mixer console

8 Stereo channels mixer.
2 Stereo phono inputs with RIAA preamplifier
6 Stereo line inputs.
Headphones section with seperate left & right monitoring selectors.
Master section with Left/Right EQ. LED VU-meter.

Custom build wooden unit.

Build 1984

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